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Clowns' Festival 2013 in Morges

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Texte tiré de la documentation officielle: 

Place de Couvaloup :

- Arts on Stage: come and try acting on a stage
- Make-up booth: come and do your own make-up!
- Coquino: juggling and mini-bike workshops

Couvaloup 12 : ONG MEDAIR various workshops and conferences, run for water

Place des Charpentiers : Coquino's trampoline

Hôtel de Ville côté Louis-de-Savoie : Coquino's trapeze

Centre des Charpentiers (inside) : various games, acrobatics, ...

Grand-Rue : Bidibulle and his balloons

Centre Pont-Neuf : Make-up and tatoos for kids

In the Center's streets: various shows by Isa and her band, Florian the magician clown, various games, diabolos and Snick school shows.

HappyKid comment: 

The day the Great Spring Market takes place, a fun atmosphere is set by many clowns, magicians and circus schools who entertain us throughout the city of Morges.

Come and see the clowns with your own little ones: many fun animations and shows are going to make us laugh together!

Comedy workshops, make-up booths and all sorts of street festivities and games will help us fight the weather's bad influence and lift every body's spirits!

01.06.2013 - 07:00 to 15:00