HappyKid.ch - For whom ?

Families and organisations caring for children aged 0 to 12 years old, and based in Geneva, Vaud and neighbouring France.

What is HappyKid.ch ?

The only local online cultural and leisure calendar specifically for kids and families – HappyAgenda
A monthly bilingual newsletter – HappyKidNews
A community of 5,500+ local and international families – members of the HappyKidClub & HappyKid fans
More than 2,275 useful news, information and contacts selected in 7 aspects of our families’ lives:

  • HappyActivities : playgrounds, museums, classes and workshops during the school year;
  • HappyBirthday : fun animations, decoration, venues, contacts and useful links;
  • HappyCamper : camps, day-camps and workshops during the school holidays;
  • HappyBaby : BBshower, photographers, gift ideas, helpful contacts, massages, pre- and post-natal yoga… ;
  • HappyFood : kids-friendly restaurants, cooking workshops for little chefs;
  • HappyHelp : help with education and parenting issues, BBsitting, nannies, experts, useful websites, networks, organisations and contacts (formerly MaryPoppinsBag).

How much does it cost to join the HappyKidClub?
Between 0.- and 120.- per year depending on your preferences.

Join the Club!

L’adhésion comprend :

  • access to the whole website and its almost 2,500 selected information,
  • "My favourites" feature to quickly and easily identify your preferred info,
  • full access to the comments, feedback and ratings of the HappyKidClub
    community (5,500 families in 2018 and growing)
  • subscription to the monthly bilingual newsletter HappyKidNews,
  • gifts, advantages, reductions, exclusive events, private visits, VIP seats, surprises …
  • … and so much more !
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Our favorite activities

Mon P'tit Tour de Suisse - Expo AMusEn @Berges de Vessy

Découvrez l'exposition "Mon p'tit tour de Suisse" par l'association AMusEN du dimanche 2 au dimanche 30 mars 2025

Type: HappyAgenda
Les Berges de Vessy - Vessy (GE)


No reservation required

No reservation required





Even if it rains!

Even if it rains!

Parent-child activities

Parent-child activities

Accessible to specific needs

Accessible to specific needs

Adapted to non-French speakers

Adapted to non-French speakers

Dachenka le bébé chien - atelier spectacle @GTG

Dachenka le bébé chien
Librement inspiré de Dášenka de Karel Čapek
Atelier-spectacle pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans accompagnés d’un adulte
Durée : 35 minutes

Type: HappyAgenda
Grand Théâtre de Genève - GTG - Genève


Even if it rains!

Even if it rains!

Parent-child activities

Parent-child activities

Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art - JEMA 2025

Les Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art (JEMA) représentent le rendez-vous annuel des artisanes et artisans d’art à Genève et dans le reste de la Suisse.

Type: HappyAgenda
Pavillon Sicli, Grand Théâtre de Genève - GTG, Musée Ariana, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire - MAH, Château de Morges - Acacias (GE)






Even if it rains!

Even if it rains!

Parent-child activities

Parent-child activities

Adapted to non-French speakers

Adapted to non-French speakers


"Bravo, bravo et encore bravo.... pour ce HappyKidNews... il va falloir que je refasse un enfant pour en profiter pleinement !!! LOL"

Eric G. - HappyPapa

"Love what you have put together!"

Vivienne L. - HappyMom

"un grand merci pour vos idées super sympas !!!"

Joëlle J. - HappyMaman de Timothée

"Ce que vous offrez est vraiment génial et très utile pour toutes les mamans qui essaient de faire le bonheur de leurs enfants smiley"

Charlotte G. - HappyMaman de Jules et Felix

"Toutes ces informations sont exceptionnelles. mille mercis"

Alma R.C. - HappyMaman

"C'est top!"

Corinne S. - HappyMaman

"I would like to congratulate you for the website. My husband and I have recently moved to Geneva and it is precisely what I need smiley"

Nadya M- HappyMom

"I have two children (...) 4 and a half and nearly 2. I think yours is a great initiative as it is not easy to find info on activities for kids in and around Geneva all in the same place!"

Federica D. - HappyMom

"ce que [la newsletter] fait pour nous, toutes les mamans de Genève qui la lisons, c'est vraiment top."

Annick M. R. - HappyMaman de 2

"c'est super de recevoir régulièrement toutes ces infos !"

Katia A. - HappyMaman