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Make-a-Wish Foundation of Switzerland

Note moyenne: 

Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Switzerland and Liechtenstein grants the most heartfelt wishes of children aged between 3 and 18 living with a serious medical condition.

"Make-a-Wish" - just as if a fairy with her magic wand appears and grants wishes... But not any wishes, the most precious ones, those children who are severly sick dream of...

Make-a-Wish and HappyKid have similar objectives: how to make kids happy by bringing joy into their lives. And those who benefit from Make-a-Wish need it so badly! We all know the positive energy we feel when we share a great experience. Having a wish come true gives us wings, strength and courage.

You can also support them by making a personal donation if you wish to become a fairy yourself too! smiley

Age minimum: 
3 years
Téléphone fixe: 
+41.22.310 4012
Avenue Gare-des-Eaux-Vives 10
1207 Genève