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Beasty birthdays at Servion's Zoo


Although not mentioned on the website, you may ask to organize a birthday party at the zoo, a good idea if your children love animals and want to get to know these better in the company of friends. It is a beautiful adventure!

Group rates apply to groups of 0 children or more and you can plan on seeing the animals, playing games at the playground and eating at the restaurant. Don't expect any special service, the staff is a bit gruff but kind. Bring a cake, which is kept in the fridge while dishes, glasses, flatware, etc. are provided so that you can set the table. The only condition is to buy beverages in the restaurant.

If you're looking for a more educational side to the birthday, questionnaires and games available on-line (see link below) to be printed and handed out at the party to encourage participants to ask questions and carefully observe the animals. For example, do you know the name of the world's smallest monkey?

Age min.: 
5 years
Age max.: 
12 years

Zoo de Servion

Niché à l’orée des forêts du Jorat dans un cadre reposant et enchanteur, le zoo de Servion est tout entier dédié à la faune nordique, aux grands félins, aux petits primates et aux lémuriens. Ainsi, tout au long d’un parcours jalonné de bancs et de zones ombragées, nous vous donnons l’occasion unique de découvrir une faune variée et fascinante venue des quatre coins du monde.

Main phone: 
+41.21.903 1671
1077 Servion