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"The macaron family" pastry class

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Texte tiré de la documentation officielle: 

Réalisation d’une palette de macarons à déguster en famille.

    Macaron chocolat
    Macaron pistache
    Macaron framboise

Cours famille à partir de 5 ans

Inclus: Rafraîchissements.

enfant 45.- adulte 65.-

HappyKid comment: 

HappyKidClub advantage: -10% on all classes and workshops. This one is a family class to learn how to master the art of baking macarons. 3 flavours: pistacchio, chocolate and raspberry. Such a cool idea for the whole or part of the family to spend some delicious moments together. Patrice is a passionate and experienced pastry chef. His kindness and patience with kids are fantastic. He teaches them as from 5 y.o. how to cook, bake and decorate while having loads of fun and, of course, tasting delicious food.

He organises great kids' classes (cf. HappyFood), workshops during the schoolholidays (cf. HappyCamper) and very gourmand birthdays where the Little Chefs laugh a lot, get a little dirty (no worries aprons are included and they actually get to wash it out smiley) and enjoy themselves tremendously (cf. HappyBirthday). Careful it's so good and he's so cool that it's quickly fully-booked!

Don't forget to mention the HappyKidClub to benefit from the 10% discount. Thank you Patrice!

07.07.2013 - 08:00 to 10:30
Age min.: 
5 years