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Children birthday parties @Alimentarium's JuniorAcademy


A cookery workshop, cakes and games with friends... everything is designed to celebrate this special day in style.

12 participants
Times: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 to 16:00 or from 15:00 to 17:00
Choice of cake**: Genoise sponge, millefeuille, Black Forest gateau (confirm your selection with your booking)
Price: fixed price of CHF 300.00 for a group of 12 children (seasonal birthday cake and drinks included)


1-hour cookery workshop... without parents (hooray!), where children make mini cakes to take home. At the same time, our chefs bake a big birthday cake for all the children to share. During the last 15 minutes of the workshop, parents are allowed into the kitchen to take photos.
30-minute birthday tea and opening presents – We provide plates, cups and serviettes for parents to make the room look festive. Drinks, cake and candles are also included in the price.
30 minutes of educational games for parents and children to enjoy together while learning more about food and nutrition.

Each of the exhibitions and animations organised at the Alimentarium are a wonderful culinary experience, rich with adventures of the senses, fun games and cultural discoveries. Many HappyFamilies recommend them!

This is a great way to celebrate the birthday of an aspiring Little Chef. Let the Alimentarium do the work and you just share the fun and cake!

Age min.: 
6 years
Age max.: 
12 years

Réservation indispensable en ligne - This workshop is also available in English: kindly book by phone only +41 21 924 41 11.

Horaires : mercredi, samedi et dimanche de 14:00 à 16:00 ou de 15:00 à 17:00 - Prix : forfait de CHF 300. – pour groupe de 12 enfants (gâteau d’anniversaire de saison, boissons inclus et l’entrée à l’exposition est offerte pour tous les participants. Les billets sont disponibles à la réception du Musée le jour-même de l’atelier).

Main phone: 
+41 21 924 41 11

alimentarium - Musée de l'Alimentation

Vous trouverez tous les détails des ateliers de cuisine Junior et des expositions temporaires dans HappyAgenda, HappyActivities & HappyFood au fur et à mesure qu'ils se déroulent pendant l'année.

Des stages gourmands et ludiques sont aussi organisés conjointement avec le Musée Suisse du Jeu pendant les vacances scolaires (cf. HappyCamper).

S'il aime cuisiner, votre enfant peut également fêter son anniversaire entre 6 et 12 ans avec gourmandise à l'Alimentarium  (Cf. HappyBirthday). 

Main phone: 
+41.21.924 4111
Quai Perdonnet 25
1800 Vevey (VD)