"Music Together" musical awakening

Every baby is born wired for music and all children benefit from early exposure to music and movement. In our Babies Only classes, we’ve created a warm, welcoming environment that supports your baby’s natural musicality—and their overall development. You’ll learn lots of ways to interact musically with your infant, and as you sing, laugh, and learn together, you’ll bond with your child and the other new parents in your class. This is a one-session class, after which babies and their grownups attend mixed-age classes. The music activities and materials are specially designed for parents who want to learn as much as possible about music development in babies. Babies must be under seven months old on the first day of class. Most babies in this program range from 3-5 months at the start of the session. We recommend infants older than seven months register for mixed-age classes.
Robin Jossen - musictogether.ge@gmail.com
Catalyse est un lieu de création, branché et original. Animés par des passionnés de la voix et de la chanson, des cours de chant et de théâtre sont proposés au cours de l'année (cf. HappyActivities).
Les "mercredis Grenadine" sont des contes-pestacles réservés aux "TouPtits" dès 3 ans et où ils sont activement incités à participer. Vous les trouverez au fur et à mesure dans HappyAgenda.